The Amy Fund

Easing the financial burden associated
with infertility treatments and the
general process of starting a family

Get Invovled

Our goal at The Amy Fund is to minimize the pain and emotional trauma of childlessness; something no couple should need to endure, certainly not due to a lack of financial means.

Medical Advisors

Once a family is accepted for services, all related costs to consultations, testing, doctor visits, and treatments, including all copays will be covered by the fund and made directly to vendors or reimbursed to the family. In the scenario that a family's insurance coverage is limited, the fund will work with the family to ensure that their needs are met.

Financial Aid

We service Jewish couples in the Queens and Long Island community, struggling with starting their family. Each case will be anonymously reviewed by the advisory committee and funds will be allocated.


Every decision made at The Amy Fund is a group decision with our rabbinical authorities, medical professionals and community leaders.

A couple faced with infertility is also faced with staggering costs. Our goal at The Amy Fund is to minimize the pain and emotional trauma of childlessness; something no couple should need to endure, certainly not due to a lack of financial means.

The Amy Fund has set its mission to provide the means or resources necessary to afford childless couples who are facing infertility with an opportunity to pursue quality medical fertility treatment, by easing their financial burden associated with these treatments and allowing them to focus on building a family.

More About Us
A woman holding a baby

Easing the financial
burden associated with infertility treatments
and starting a family by providing funding for fertility treatment, resources and
all other financial costs
of family building.

Can The Amy Fund help you or someone you know?


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